New Alliance named Podujana Eksath Nidahas Peramuna (PENP) formed to Support Ranil Wickremesinghe at elections with Prime Minister Dinesh Gunewardena as President and Dr.Ramesh Pathirana as Secretary


Yohan Perera

A group of SLPP MPs together with several other parties today formed the Podujana Eksath Nidahas Peramuna (PENP) led by Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

Minister Ramesh Pathirana will be the General Secretary of the new alliance. The symbol of the party is the cup.

Allies of the new alliance include a section of the SLPP, the MEP, TMVP, EPDP, National Congress, Lanka Jathika Estate Workers Union, United Peoples Party, SLMP and the Deshapremi Janatha Balawegaya.

The new alliance will be supporting President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the forthcoming Presidential elections.

Courtesy:Daily Mirror