Vijaya Kumaratunga:Acting was his Accredited Profession but Politics was his Chosen Vocation.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj 79th Birth Anniversary of Vijaya Kumaratunga on 9 October 2024. Kovilage Vijaya Anthony Kumaratunga, known to the world as Vijaya Kumaratunga, was born in Seeduwa on 9 October 1945. Vijaya was an endearing personality with an enduring vision whom I liked, admired and respected very much. He was a man who envisaged the …

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ஜே.வி.பி . இயக்கத்தில் அநுர குமார திசாநாயக்கவின் வளர்ச்சியும் இலங்கை அரசியலில் துரித எழுச்சியும்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் அநுர குமார திசாநாயக்க ; இலங்கை வானில் ‘ இடதுசாரி ‘ நட்சத்திரம் -2 இலங்கையின் ஒன்பதாவது நிறைவேற்று அதிகார ஜனாதிபதி அநுரா குமார திசாநாயக்கவின் பரபரப்பான நிகழ்வுகள் பலப்பல நிறைந்த ஆரம்ப வாழ்க்கையைப் பற்றி இந்த கட்டுரைத் தொடரின் முதல் பாகத்தில் கடந்தவாரம் எழுதியிருந்தேன். இந்த இரண்டாவது பாகத்தில் ஜனதா விமுக்தி பெரமுனவுக்குள் (ஜே.வி.பி.) ஒரு அரசியல் தலைவராக அவரின் படிப்படியான சீரான வளர்ச்சி குறித்து பாராப்போம். கடந்த வாரத்தைய பத்தியில் குறறிப்பிட்டதைப் …

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On what legal basis did President Dissanayake call out the armed forces to maintain ‘public order?

By Kishali Pinto -Jayawardene Is the Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) Presidency which came into power on a ‘reformist’ election platform able to legally justify the invocation of Section 12 of the Public Security Ordinance (PSO) using ‘special powers’ to call out the armed forces for the maintenance of public order? Sri Lanka’s pervasive militarisation Speaking …

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Just as people in the south have begun to reject traditional political parties and leaders, a rejection is also needed in the north and east.

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham Sri Lankan political parties have been forced to prepare for the Parliamentary Elections before the exhaustion of campaigning for the Presidential Election has worn off. Particularly, the parties of the losers among the main presidential candidates have to face a national election again before they can recover from the impact of the …

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Anura Kumara Dissanayake ; “Leftist” Star Rises Over Sri Lanka.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj. The heading of this article is inspired by the title of Edgar Snow’s , “Red Star Over China”. Snow’s book first published in 1937 was a vivid account of his interaction with the Chinese communist leader Mao Ze Dong and the Red Army. Mao known then as Mao Tse Tung was relatively called …

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ஜனாதிபதிகள் வரலாம் , ஜனாதிபதிகள் போகலாம், ஆனால் ஜே. ஆர்.ஜெயவர்தனவின் ஜனாதிபதி ஆட்சிமுறை தொடர்ந்து கொண்டேயிருக்கும்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் இலங்கையில் நிறைவேற்று அதிகார ஜனாதிபதி ஆட்சிமுறையை ஒழிக்கவேண்டும் என்ற கோரிக்கை ஒன்றும் புதியது அல்ல. அந்த ஆட்சிமுறை என்றைக்கு அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்டதோ அன்றிலிருந்தே அதை ஒழிக்கவேண்டும் என்ற கோரிக்கையும் முன்வைக்கப்பட்டு வந்திருக்கிறது. ஜனாதிபதி ஆட்சிமுறையை ஒழிக்கப் போவதாக தேர்தல்களில் வாக்குறுதி அளித்து மக்களின் ஆணையைப் பெற்று ஜனாதிபதியாக ஆட்சியதிகாரத்துக்கு வந்தவர்கள் எவருமே அதை ஒழிக்கவில்லை என்பது அண்மைக்கால வரலாறு. இறுதியாக நடைபெற்ற ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலிலும் பிரதான வேட்பாளர்களில் அநுரா குமார திசாநாயக்கவும் ஐக்கிய மக்கள் சக்தியின் …

Continue reading ‘ஜனாதிபதிகள் வரலாம் , ஜனாதிபதிகள் போகலாம், ஆனால் ஜே. ஆர்.ஜெயவர்தனவின் ஜனாதிபதி ஆட்சிமுறை தொடர்ந்து கொண்டேயிருக்கும்’ »

அநுர குமார திசாநாயக்க ; இலங்கை வானில் ‘ இடதுசாரி ‘ நட்சத்திரம்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் அமெரிக்க பத்திரிகையாளர் எட்கார் சினோவின் ‘ சீன வானில் சிவப்பு நட்சத்திரம் ‘ (Red Star over China ) என்ற நூல்தான் கட்டுரைக்கு இந்த தலைப்பை வைப்பதற்கு தூண்டுதல் அளித்தது. சீனக் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் தலைவர் மாவோ சேதுங்குடனும் செஞ்சேனையுடனும் தனது ஊடாட்டம் பற்றிய உயிர்களையுடைய விபரிப்பாக அமைந்த அந்த முதலில் 1937 ஆம் ஆண்டில் பிரசுரமானது. மாவோ என்று அறியப்பட்ட மாவோ சேதுங்கைப் பற்றி அந்த நேரத்தில் மேற்குலகில் பெரிதாகத் தெரியாது. பல …

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Can the Anura Kumara Dissanayake administration overcome prejudices deeply ingrained in society and within its own ranks, and break out of the ethno-religious vicious cycle which has caused Sri Lanka so much harm?

By Tisaranee Gunasekara “Looking for the rain Looking for the rain.” – Gil Scott-Heron (Winter in America) The Election Commission continues to rock. This week, it halted, for the duration of parliamentary polls, an order by President Anura Kumara Dissanayake to increase fertiliser and fuel subsidies to farmers and fishermen. The same way it stopped …

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Anura Kumara Dissanayake “did not win”. Sajith Premadasa with his Oversized Ego and Hurry to become President Handed Over the Election to AKD

By Ranga Jayasuriya The presidential election’s outcome has been described in flowery language: A vote for system change, the rejection of the old regime, a clarion call against corruption and cronyism, a vote against the sale of national assets, and so on. All that is true to a certain degree, but they still miss the …

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Anura Kumra Dissanayake will ask the people who elected him as President to give his NPP a big victory at the Parliamentary Elections to stabilise the economy and fulfil promises.

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham When Parliament elected Ranil Wickremesinghe as President two years ago, it was said that he was the ultimate beneficiary of the unprecedented people’s uprising in Sri Lanka. However, last week’s Presidential Election showed the world the real beneficiary of that uprising. Just as the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) Founding Leader, the …

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The Prelate and the Premier: Why Mapitigama Buddharakkitha Thera got SWRD Bandaranaike Assaassinated.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Sri Lanka’s newly elected president Anura Kumara Dissanayake has appointed Dr.Harini Amarasuriya as his Prime minister. The academic turned politico is Sri Lanka’s third woman prime minister. The first woman PM of the Island nation was Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Sirimavo shattered a global glass ceiling in 1960 by becoming the world’s first woman prime …

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Sri Lanka’s new Govt led by President Anura Kumar Dissanayake Restores Country’s Old Visa System in Adherence to a Recent Supreme Court Ruling

By Meera Srinivasan Sri Lanka’s newly elected government led byPresident Anura Kumara Dissanayake has restored the country’s old visa system, adhering to a recent Supreme Court order that suspended a controversial new portal managed by a consortium including an Indian company. The announcement was made late on Thursday (September 26, 2024), almost two months after …

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Tiger Leader “Thiyagi” Thileepan Weaponised Non-Violence Through his Fast Unto Death in September 27.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj September 26th is of particular significance to a substantial number of Sri Lankan Tamils . For it was on this day in 1987 that a senior member of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Thileepan died in Nallu after undertaking a fast unto death. Although the LTTE lost thousands of cadres during …

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Inside the Enigma: Ranil’s Legacy and Anura’s Destiny

By Krishantha Prasad Cooray On the morning of the 13th of July 2022, nothing seemed certain about Sri Lanka. Just two months prior, the country had declared bankruptcy and defaulted on more than $50 billion of sovereign debt. Its self-styled ‘patriotic’ president had just fled the country, cowering in the back of a cargo plane. …

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Presidents May Come and Presidents May Go but JR Jayewardene’s Executive Presidency Goes on Forever.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Sri Lanka’s ninth presidential election will be held on Saturday the 21st of September. More than 17 million (17,140, 354) Sri Lankans are registered as eligible voters. Nominally thirty-eight candidates are in the ring but only three are regarded as te leading contenders. The hectic election campaigns ended on Sep 18 but election …

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Academic Turned MP Dr.Harini Amarasuriya Becomes Third Woman to be Prime Minist of Sri Lanka after Sirimavo Bandaranaike in 1960 and Chandrika Kumaratunga in 1994; President Anura Dissanayake Dissolves Parliament to hold Election on 14th November

By Meera Srinivasan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake on Tuesday (September 24, 2024) appointed MP and former academic Harini Amarasuriya as Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister, as part of a four-member Cabinet under him that will lead policy until the parliamentary elections scheduled on November 14. The date for the general elections was announced through a gazette …

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President Dissanayake to Appont Four Member Cabinet Including Himself, to be in charge of 15 Portfolios. Harini Amarasuria to be Prime Ministe with Vijitha Herath and Lakshman Nipuna Arachchi as Ministers.Parliament will be Dissolved and Fresh Elections held in December

By JAMILA HUSAIN and AJITH SIRIWARDENA Parliament will be dissolved tonight(24) and a Parliamentary Election will be held by December, the Daily Mirror exclusively learns. Following the resignation of Dinesh Gunawardena as the Prime Minister yesterday, a senior source from the National People’s Power (NPP) said that President Anura Kumara Dissanayake will today appoint an …

Continue reading ‘President Dissanayake to Appont Four Member Cabinet Including Himself, to be in charge of 15 Portfolios. Harini Amarasuria to be Prime Ministe with Vijitha Herath and Lakshman Nipuna Arachchi as Ministers.Parliament will be Dissolved and Fresh Elections held in December’ »

“I am not a magician; I am not a miracle-worker. There are things I know and don’t know. But I will commit myself to doing the right thing at all times, and lead a collective effort to rebuild our nation,” Says Sri Lanka’s new President Anura Kumara Dissanayake at swearing in event

By Meera Srinivasan Sri Lanka’s newly elected President Anura Kumara Dissanayake on Monday (September 23, 2024) promised to strengthen democracy and “work hard to win people’s trust”, with the disclaimer that he is no “magician”. “I am not a magician; I am not a miracle-worker. There are things I know and don’t know. But I …

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“I was able to rescue my motherland from bankruptcy within a short period of two years. I believe this to be the most important thing I could do for my country during my political career.”- Ranil Wickremesinghe.

(Text of Farewell Message delivwred by outgoing President Rani Wickremesinghe on 22 September 2024) “Ayubowan! Dear Citizens, The people of the country have given their decision at this Presidential Election held on 21st September 2024. Therefore, we must respect their decision and act according to that mandate to ensure the functioning of the country. Two …

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JVP-led NPP Leadr Anura Kumara Dissanayake Elected as Ninth President of Sri Lanka; Votes Received – Anura- -5,740,179; Sajith-4,530,902;Ranil -2,299,767; Namal- 342,781;Ariyanethiran- 226 343; Dilith – 122,396

The National People’s Power (NPP) Presidential candidate and Opposition Parliamentarian Anura Kumara Dissanayake was elected yesterday (22) as the ninth Executive President of Sri Lanka. The Election Commission (EC) formally announced Dissanayake as the winner of the Election yesterday evening. The EC said that Dissanayake had garnered 42.31% of the votes at the 21 September …

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Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election Concludes Peacefully on Saturday (21); Full Results Expected on Sunday(22); estimated Voter Turn out 75 to 80% ; Eight hour Curfew from 10 PM to 8 AM

By Meera Srinivasan Sri Lankans gave their mandate to the country’s next leader in a peacefully held Presidential election on Saturday (September 21, 2024). The outcome of the critical election, expected on Sunday (September 22, 2024), is watched closely as the island nation navigates a challenging phase of economic recovery following a crushing crisis two …

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Why Ranil Wickremesinghe is Supremely Confident of Winning the 2024 Presidential Election.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Sri Lanka’s ninth presidential election will take place one week from now on 21 September 2024. Among the 38 contestants, three are regarded as the top contenders. They are President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Leader of the Opposition Sajith Premadasa and JVP/NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake. Three others namely Hambantota District MP Namal Rajapaksa, Ex-Batticaloa …

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2024 ஜனாதிபதித் தேர்தலில் தானே வெற்றி பெறுவேன் என்று ரணில் அதிக அளவில் நம்பிக்கை கொண்டவராய் இருப்பது ஏன்?

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் இலங்கையின் ஒன்பதாவது ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தல் எதிர்வரும் சனிக்கிழமை ( செப்டெம்பர் 21)நடைபெறவிருக்கிறது. 38 வேட்பாளர்களில் மூன்று பேரே பிரதான வேட்பாளர்களாக கருதப்படுகிறார்கள். ஜனாதிபதி ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்க, எதிர்க்கட்சி தலைவர் சஜித் பிரேமதாச மற்றும் ஜே.வி.பி. / தேசிய மக்கள் சக்தியின் தலைவர் அநுரா குமார திசாநாயக்க ஆகியோரே அவர்கள். மற்றைய வேட்பாளர்களில் ஸ்ரீலங்கா பொதுஜன பெரமுனவின் வேட்பாளரான அம்பாந்தோட்டை பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர் நாமல் ராஜபக்ச, தமிழ் பொதுவேட்பாளர் என்று வர்ணிக்கப்படும் தமிழ் தேசிய கூட்டமைப்பின் …

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Racism plays no overt role in this election but racism is far from dead. It will raise its destructive head when this lot of dreams too turn into ashes and the new president begins the inevitable transformation from hero to villain.

By Tisaranee Gunasekara “Have you learned nothing from history?” Freud (The Future of an Illusion) “Wrath” is the opening word of The Iliad. Wrath is a key driver of the upcoming presidential election. People are angry at political leaders for bankrupting the country. Hopefully, the anger is accompanied by reason, not just pointing fingers outward …

Continue reading ‘Racism plays no overt role in this election but racism is far from dead. It will raise its destructive head when this lot of dreams too turn into ashes and the new president begins the inevitable transformation from hero to villain.’ »

Ranil or Sajith? Who will get the Bulk of Tamil Votes in the 2024 Presidential Poll?

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj The Ilankai Thamil Arasuk Katchi (ITAK) regarded as the premier political party of the Sri Lankan Tamils has declare its support for Samagi Jana Sandhanaya (SJS) leader Sajith Premadasa in the Presidential2 election scheduled on 21 September 2024. The “Mathiya Seyal Kuzhu”(Central Working Committee) of the party met on September 1st and resolved …

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2024 Presidential election is “still open” but Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe is confident of victory on the strength of his proven prowess , dynamic plan and implementation focus to deliver higher socio-economic growth.

By Charumini de Silva With less than 10 days to go, incumbent Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday described the decisive Presidential election as “still open” but expressed confidence of victory on the strength of his proven prowess and the dynamic plan and implementation focus to deliver higher socio-economic growth. Despite his busy schedule in the campaign trail, …

Continue reading ‘2024 Presidential election is “still open” but Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe is confident of victory on the strength of his proven prowess , dynamic plan and implementation focus to deliver higher socio-economic growth.’ »

Was Sajith Premadasa’s Spouse Jalani Premadasa Given a “Present Arms”Salute by the Sri Lanka Air Force at Palaly in Jaffna?

By Darshana Sanjeewa Balasuriya A Severe controversy has erupted over a video circulating on social media showing Jalani Premadasa, the wife of Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa supposedly receiving a present arms salute by SLAF personnel while she was entering the Air Force Camp in Palali yesterday (10) The present arms is a salute position where …

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What would Happen to Sri Lanka if Anura Kumara Dissanayake Wins the 2024 Presidential Election and the JVP Forms the Next Government?

By Ranga Jayasuriya The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna/National People’s Power candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake rides high on opinion polls, social media posts, Twitter and Facebook likes and the crowd size. While none of them offers a credible measure of popular support, some local pundits take pride in parroting them, which are then regurgitated by foreign media …

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ரணில் ,சஜித், அநுர ? 2024 ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் தமிழ் மக்களின் பெருமளவு வாக்குகளை யார் பெறுவார்?

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் இலங்கை தமிழர்களின் பிரதான அரசியல் கட்சி என்று கருதப்படும் இலங்கை தமிழரசு கட்சி 2024 செப்டம்பர் 21 ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் ஐக்கிய மக்கள் கூட்டணியின் ( சமகி ஜன சந்தானய ) தலைவர் சஜித் பிரேமதாசவை ஆதரிக்கப்போவதாக அறிவித்திருக்கிறது. செப்டெம்பர் முதலாம் திகதி வவுனியாவில் கூடிய அதன் ‘ மத்திய செயற்குழு ‘ அதற்கான தீர்மானத்தை எடுத்தது. தமிழ் பொதுவேட்பாளராக போட்டியிடும் பாக்கியசெல்வம் அரியநேத்திரனை ஆதரிப்பதில்லை என்றும் தீர்மானம் நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டது. மட்டக்களப்பு மாவட்டத்தின் முன்னாள் …

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The 6.9 million voters who elected Gotabaya Rajapaksa. are the group that can decide the 2024 election.Would they seek the continuation of political stability and economic reforms? Or would they opt for another dangerous political gambl?e

By Ranga Jayasuriya When political pundits call the Presidential election of 2024 the most unpredictable of recent times, they are right. But then they attribute the uncertainty to the popular public anger at the traditional political establishment in the backdrop of the economic crisis. That is not without a grain of truth. However, it is …

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National Peoples’ Power (NPP) candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s proclamation that his party is the only ‘non-racist’ party and he is the only ‘non-racist’ Presidential Candidate is a claim that must be taken with a whole sack full of skeptical salt.

By Kishali Pinto -Jayawardene When NPP (National Peoples’ Power) candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake proclaimed unblushingly during election campaigning in the North a few days ago that his party is the only ‘non-racist’ party and he is the only ‘non-racist’ candidate in the coming presidential poll, that claim must be taken not only with a pinch …

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President Ranil Wickremesinghe believes, or expects others to believe, that the real contest in the presidential hustings is going to be between him and Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham With the Presidential Election still two weeks away, the main candidates are intensifying their campaigns, which are in full swing all over the country. Although 38 candidates are in the fray, many of them have not been seen in public for many days. President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Leader Sajith …

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Contours of the Common Tamil Presidential Candidate Controversy

BY D.B.S. Jeyaraj The eagerly anticipated 2024 presidential election is scheduled to be held on 21 September 2024. Initially 39 candidates were in the fray. The death of a declared candidate has lowered the number to 38.Chief among the candidates are incumbent president Ranil Wickremesinghe and Leader of the Opposition Sajith Premadasa. Among other notable …

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New Alliance named Podujana Eksath Nidahas Peramuna (PENP) formed to Support Ranil Wickremesinghe at elections with Prime Minister Dinesh Gunewardena as President and Dr.Ramesh Pathirana as Secretary

By Yohan Perera A group of SLPP MPs together with several other parties today formed the Podujana Eksath Nidahas Peramuna (PENP) led by Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena. Minister Ramesh Pathirana will be the General Secretary of the new alliance. The symbol of the party is the cup. Allies of the new alliance include a section …

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Dreamworld politics is easy. But it is important for the Tamil people today to think about a practical approach.

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham The election manifestos of the three main presidential candidates were released last week. First, on 26 August, National People’s Power (NPP) Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake released his manifesto titled ‘A Thriving Nation – A Beautiful Life’. Then, on 29 August, President Ranil Wickremesinghe released his manifesto under the title ‘Five Triumphant Years …

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ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் தமிழ் பொதுவேட்பாளரும் தமிழர் அரசியலின் எதிர்காலமும்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் இம்மாதம் 24 ஆம் திகதி நடைபெறவிருக்கும் ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் 39 வேட்பாளர்கள் போட்டியிடுவதாக அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது. ஒருவர் இறந்ததை அடுத்து இப்போது 38 பேர் களத்தில் நிற்கிறார்கள். அவர்களில் ஜனாதாபதி ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்கவும் எதிர்க்கட்சி தலைவர் பிரேமதாசவுமே பிரதான வேட்பாளர்கள். ஜனதா விமுக்தி பெரமுன (ஜே.வி.பி.) தலைமையிலான தேசிய மக்கள் சக்தியின் தலைவர் அநுரா குமார திசாநாயக்க, ஸ்ரீலங்கா பொதுஜன பெரமுனவின் தேசிய அமைப்பாளர் நாமல் ராஜபக்ச,பிரபல ஊடக நிறுவனங்களின் உரிமையாளரான திலித் ஜயவீர, பிலாட் …

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Ilankai Thamil Arasuk Katchi (ITAK) Decides to Back Sajith Premadasa at Presidential Poll; ITAK Will ask Party stalwart P. Ariyanethiran to Withdraw from Contesting as the “Common Tamil Candidate”

By Meera Srinivasan The Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK), a prominent political party representing Tamils of Sri Lanka’s north and east, on Sunday (September 1) pledged support for presidential aspirant Sajith Premadasa in the September 21 election. The move, which reflects one significant position within the island nation’s fragmented Tamil polity, comes even as the …

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2024 Presidential Election Divides Muslim Political Parties with Leaders Backing Sajith and Some MPs Supporting Ranil.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Nominations have closed for the long awaited 2024 presidential election. 39 candidates are in the fray.It is widely acknowledged by the press and public that the chief presidential contenders are incumbent president Ranil Wickremesinghe,leader of the opposition Sajith Premadasa and JVP/NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake. Two others expected to make a mark are …

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Saumiyamoorthy Thondaman was the shrewdest tactician and sagacious strategist among Tamil political leaders in recent times.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Saumiyamoorthy (spelled sometimes as Saumyamoorthy or Saumiamoorthy) Thondaman was the legendary co-founder and long-time leader of the Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC). Thonda, as he was widely known, played a prominent role in the country’s post-independence politics for many decades. His political life was intertwined with the vicissitudes of the Indian Tamil people of …

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National People’s Power Presidential Candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake officially Releases the NPP’s Presidential election manifesto titled “A Prosperous Nation, A Beautiful Life” .

National People’s Power (NPP) Presidential Candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake officially unveiled the NPP’s Presidential election manifesto titled “A Prosperous Nation, A Beautiful Life” in Sri JayawardenepuraKotte yesterday. Addressing the gathering of NPP Executive Council members, professionals, academics, artists, and others, Dissanayake highlighted that the manifesto is the party’s response to disinformation disseminated by its political …

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Sajith Premadasa does not seem to have the experience or intellectual fortitude to lead the country out of economic trouble. As Thalatha fears,it may be a repetition of Gotabaya,if Sajith Wins.

By Ranga Jayasuriya A rhetorical question: What difference would it have made if Sajith Premadasa delivered the speech Thalatha Athukorala did last week? First and foremost, the difference would have been between a mature democracy and one driven by petty personal greed; the latter is a hallmark of politics in this part of the world. …

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Supreme Court ruling that President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s defiant action in postponing Local Government polls in 2023 had violated the fundamental right to equality and the right to vote of citizens,should come as no surprise

By Kishali Pinto – Jayawardene Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court ruling this week that President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s defiant action in postponing Local Government polls in 2023, citing a purported lack of funds in the wake of the country’s bankruptcy, had violated the fundamental right to equality and the right to vote of citizens, raises several interesting …

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“The current president has proven his abilities. He single handedly brought the situation of the country under control. I know not everyone is happy, and we have some way to go, but we can get there together” -Thalatha Atukorale.

By Chandani Kirinde Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Ratnapura District MP Thalatha Atukorale, who resigned from her seat in parliament on Wednesday, said she is yet undecided on supporting any of the presidential candidates, but she could no longer remain in the SJB given the manner in which the party is being run. “There are many …

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Sajith and Anura Promise to Abolish the Executive Presidency if they come to Powe; Reality is that people are not going to trust politicians who make such promises again.

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham There was a period when the abolition of the executive presidential system was a key issue at Presidential Elections. However, such a situation cannot be expected to arise again. The politicians who promised to abolish the executive presidency have not only failed to do so after winning the election and assuming office …

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Will Rajitha Senaratne’s Crossover Trigger More Defections of MPs From SJB to Ranil’s Side?

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Nambukara Helambage Rajitha Harischandra Senaratne known as Rajitha Senaratne is the latest among well-known politicians to throw in their lot with incumbent president Ranil Wickremesinghe. The Samagi Jana Balawegaya(SJB) MP for Kalutara district met with the president at the Gangaramaya temple in Colombo on 13 August and signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) …

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SJB Ratnapura District MP Thalatha Athukorale Announces her Resignation from Parliament;Delivers Scathing Attack on Sajith Premadasa questioning his leadership qualities and suitability to lead the country at this critical time. Asks if Premadasa is attempting to act out Part II of Gotabaya Rajapaksa fiasco

Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Ratnapura District MP Thalatha Athukorala yesterday announced her resignation from Parliament delivering a scathing critique of party’s Presidential hopeful Sajith Premadasa before stepping down. During a special address in Parliament, Thalatha Athukorala, who entered Parliament in 2004 after the untimely passing of her brother, United National Party (UNP) stalwart Gamini Athukorala, …

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Sajith Premadasa’s churlish refusal to shake the proffered hand of Ranil Wickremesinghe his political opponent is a reminder of the danger of a system where governance and character are symbiotically connected.

By Tisaranee Gunasekara “…who’s the fairest of them all?” Grimm Brothers (Snow White) The most iconic moment at Nelson Mandela’s star studded memorial service was a handshake. As US President Barack Obama ran up to the podium under a light drizzle, a CNN reporter was droning about the extra security arrangements. Suddenly, the excited voice …

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President Wickremesinghe points out that other main presidential candidates are not opposed to the agreement with the IMF and that they have openly said they will continue with it.

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham A total of 39 candidates are contesting in Sri Lanka’s ninth Presidential Election scheduled to be held on 21 September. This is a record number of candidates contesting in an election in the history of Presidential Elections of the country. Until now, the Presidential Election has been a direct contest between candidates …

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Namal Rajapaksa’s Entry Impacts Political Dynamics of 2024 Presidential Election.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj From the time Ranil Wickremesinghe returned to the seat of power as Prime Minister and later as President, false narratives have been concocted and circulated e by his opponents, adeversaries, critics and detractors about him. One was that Wickremesinghe was afraid to face a presidential election and that he would put off the …

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34 Political Parties and Alliances Endorse Support for President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s Candidacy at “Puluwan Sri Lanka”Convention in Colombo.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday highlighted the significance of the newly signed ‘Puluwan Sri Lanka’ (Sri Lanka Can) agreement, stressing that it is not intended to form a new political party but rather to unite the nation and build a brighter future. The agreement, endorsed by 34 political parties and alliances, symbolises a collective commitment to …

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Hardnosed businessman with the softest heartbeat Harry Jayawardena Celebrates 82nd Birthday on on 17th August 2024

By Krishantha Prasad Cooray Almost twenty years ago, I received a call from Don Harold Stassen Jayawardena. Of course, at the time I knew him as ‘Harry Jayawardena’ as did many Sri Lankans, especially in business circles. I was in England, veritably forced into exile by political circumstances which included the abduction and torture of …

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39 Candidates Contesting in Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election Scheduled for 21 September;Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and JVP/NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake are top Contenders

By Meera Srinivasan As many as 39 presidential aspirants will contest a crucial poll in Sri Lanka on September 21, the Election Commission said on Thursday (August 15, 2024), after closing nominations. Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who rose to the top office through a parliamentary vote during the island nation’s 2022 crisis, is seeking a …

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நாமல் ராஜபக்சவின் பிரவேசம் 2024 ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தல் களச் சூழலில் ஏற்படுத்தும் தாக்கம்

. டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்க முதலில் பிரதமராகவும் பிறகு ஜனாதிபதியாகவும் அதிகாரத்துக்கு வந்த நேரம் தொடக்கம் எதிரிகளும் விமர்சகர்களும் அவரைப்பற்றி பல தவறான கதைகளை கட்டிவிடுவதில் ஈடுபட்டு வந்திருக்கிறார்கள். ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலுக்கு முகங்கொடுப்பதற்கு அஞ்சுகிறார் என்பதும் அவர் வழமைக்கு மாறான நடவடிக்கைகள் மூலமாக தேர்தலைப் ஒத்திவைப்பார் என்பதும் அந்த்கதைகளில் ஒன்று. இந்த போலிக்கதை தேர்தல்கள் ஆணைக்குழு ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தல் திகதியை வர்த்தமானியில் வெளியிட்டபோது அம்பலமானது. விக்கிரமசிங்கவே ஒரு சுயேச்சை வேட்பாளராக முதலில் தனது கட்டுப்பணத்தையும் செலுத்தினார். …

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The two Chief similarities between Sri Lanka’s 2022 ‘youth aragalaya’ and Bangladesh’s youth uprising in 2024

By Kishali Pinto-Jayawardene Those who unwisely murmur ‘Bangladeshi people power a la Sri Lanka’ in assessing the ‘second liberation’ of Bangladesh following the jubilant toppling of fifteen year one-party rule by former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina by thousands of youth earlier this month, must restrain their enthusiasm in no small part. A lesson to all …

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Rajapaksas Backstabbing Ranil Over the Presidential Candidacy Issue Backfire on the SLPP.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj President Ranil Wickremesinghe was cruelly bamboozled by the Rajapaksas early this week. The incumbent president was given false promises that the Medamulana clan-led “pohottuwa”party was firmly behind him in his bid to contest the forthcoming presidential poll. The note of discord struck by Namal Rajapaksa was lightly dismissed as being of very little …

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Tourism Minister Harin Fernando and Labour Minister Manusha Nanayakkara Lose Their MP Seats Following Two Rulings by Three Judge Bench of Supreme Court Upholding Expulsion of Both by SJB Party as Valid

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda The Supreme Court, in two landmark judgments today, determined that the Samagi Jana Balawegaya’s (SJB) decision to expel Ministers Harin Fernando and Manusha Nanayakkara from the party is legally valid. As a result of this Supreme Court judgment, the expulsion of Harin Fernando and Manusha Nanayakkara will lead to the loss of …

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Former Batticaloa District TNA Parliamentarian P. Ariyanendran to Contest 2024 Presidential Poll as the Common Tamil Presidential Candidate.

The ‘Tamil National Common Structure’, an alliance of Tamil political parties, has announced its decision to nominate former Batticaloa District TNA Parliamentarian P. Ariyanenthiran as their common candidate for the upcoming Presidential Election. Several Tamil political parties and a group of civil society representatives had reached an agreement to nominate a common candidate for the …

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The ‘Samagi Jana Sandanaya (SJS)’, political alliance led by the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), officially launched under the Leadership of Sajith Premadasa with the signing of agreements with several parties.

The ‘Samagi Jana Sandanaya (SJS)’, a broad political alliance led by the main Parliamentary Opposition, the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), was officially unveiled yesterday (8) under the Leadership of SJB and Opposition Leader and Presidential candidate Sajith Premadasa and with the signing of agreements with several parties.

ராஜபக்சாக்கள் ரணிலுக்கு செய்த வஞ்சனை திரும்பிவந்து பொதுஜன பெரமுனவை தாக்குகிறது

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் ஜனாதிபதி ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்க கடந்தவார முற்பகுதியில் ராஜபக்சாக்களினால் கொடுமையான முறையில் ஏமாற்றப்பட்டார். எதிர்வரும் ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் மெதமுலான குடும்பம் தலைமையிலான’ தாமரை மொட்டு ‘ கட்சி விக்கிரமசிங்கவுக்கு பின்னால் உறுதியாக நிற்கும் என்று அவருக்கு பொய்யான உறுதிமொழிகள் வழங்கப்பட்டன.நாமல் ராஜபக்சவினால் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்ட மாறுபாடான கருத்தை பொருட்படுத்தத் தேவையில்லை என்றும் கூறப்பட்டது. பொதுஜன பெரமுன ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் ரணிலை ஆதரிப்பதில்லை என்று முடிவெடுத்திருக்கிறது. ராஜபக்சாக்கள் அவரின் முதுகில் குத்திவிட்டார்கள். விக்கிரமசிங்கவை ஆதரிப்பதா இல்லையா என்று தீர்மானிப்பது …

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Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna National Organizer Namal Rajapaksa to Contest Presidential Poll as Business Magnate Dhammika Perera Withdraws from Presidential Election as SLPP Candidate

The ruling Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) is set to announce its Presidential candidate today. Earlier in the week, party General Secretary Sagara Kariyawasam confirmed that the announcement would be made by SLPP leader Mahinda Rajapaksa at 7:30 a.m. at the SLPP head office on Nelum Mawatha. While the event was initially scheduled to take …

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Ranil Rajapaksa was an Opposition-made myth. The Rajapaksas have nothing to gain from a Ranil Wickremesinghe victory. He was never a Rajapaksa creature.

By Tisaranee Gunasekara “The king is dead, long live the king” (Traditional proclamation made following the death of a monarch indicating the continuity of the monarchy) Mahinda Rajapaksa’s second presidential investiture was held two days after his 65th birthday, the twin occasions marked by grandiose displays of Rajapaksa power. The highlights of this political spectacle …

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Sri Lanka whose former President was ousted by a citizen’s uprising two years ago expresses solidarity with the people of Bangladesh after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Quit and Fled the Country after Mass Protests

By Meera Srinivasan Hours after Bangladesh Prime MinisterSheikh Hasina quit and fled the country on Monday following mass protests, Sri Lanka — whose former President was ousted by a citizen’s uprising two years ago — expressed solidarity with the people of Bangladesh. “Our hearts are with the people of #Bangladesh during these incredibly challenging times. …

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Sri Lanka’s Supreme court issues interim order suspending the govt’s new visa scheme run by a consortium that sparked controversy over allegations of corruption totalling 1.4 billion dollars.SC orders restoration of previously used online visa system..

By Meera Srinivasan Sri Lanka’s Supreme court on August 2 issued an interim order suspending the government’s new visa scheme, run by a consortium including an Indian company, that earlier sparked controversy over allegations of corruption totalling over a billion dollars. The Supreme Court ordered that the previously used online visa system be restored. In …

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The Supreme Court has consistently upheld the principle that a govt servant is empowered to refuse to obey an ‘illegal’ order by his or her superior resulting in the use of state assets for a particular political party or candidate.

By Kishali Pinto-Jayawardene If the glittering promise of the ‘Jathika Jana Balavegaya’ (NPP) is supposed to offer a better, brighter Sri Lanka to put an end to the ’76 year old curse’ of its political rivals, it is time that NPP Presidential candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake refrains from justifying his actions during the run-up to …

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Dramatic changes in the political landscape make strange bedfellows. We will see more such additions in the coming days.

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham It has long been a common perception that none of the main candidates will be able to receive more than 50% of the popular vote in the upcoming Presidential Election. For the last few days, since the announcement of the Presidential Election by the Election Commission, many newspapers have been publishing details …

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When Sarath Fonseka Challenged Mahinda Rajapaksa For The Presidency in 2010.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Gardihewa Sarath Chandralal Fonseka known generally as Sarath Fonseka has thrown his hat into the presidential poll ring again . The former army commander who is Sri Lanka’s one and only Field Marshal has stated in a post on “X”(Twitter) that he would be a contender at the forthcoming presidential election. The following …

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மீண்டும் ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலி்ல் களமிறங்கும் பீல்ட் மார்ஷல் சரத் பொன்சேகா மீண்டும் கவனத்தை ஈர்த்திருக்கிறார்.

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் சரத் பொன்சேகா என்று பொதுவாக அறியப்படும் கார்திஹேவா சரத் சந்திரபால் பொன்சேகா மீண்டும் ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் களமிறக்கப்போவதாக அறிவித்திருக்கிறார். இலங்கையின் ஒரேயெரு பீல்ட் மார்ஷலான முன்னாள் இராணுவத் தளபதி எதிர்வரும் ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் ஒரு போட்டியாளராக இருப்பேன் என்று ‘எக்ஸ் ‘ (ருவிற்றர்) சமூக ஊடகத்தில் பதிவொன்றைச் செய்திருக்கிறார். அவரின் முறைப்படியான அறிவிப்பு வருமாறு ; ஜனாதிபதி வேட்பாளராக போட்டியிடப்போவதை இலங்கை மக்களுக்கு அறிவிக்க விரும்புகிறேன். எம்மை வங்குரோத்து நிலைக்கு கொண்டவந்த திறமையற்ற ஒரு …

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SLPP Deciding not to Support Ranil is a Blessing in Disguise for him because Wickremesinghe would be better off without the endorsement of the Rajapaksas.

By Ranga Jayasuriya Monday (July 29) night, the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) finally parted ways with Ranil Wickremesinghe, announcing plans to field its own candidate at the presidential election. The move effectively split the Pohottuwa and saw President Wickremesinghe affiliated SLPP MPs, 11 of them, leaving the party’s central committee meeting and assembling at …

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Rajapaksa led SLPP Decides Not to Back Ranil Wickremesinghe in the 2024 Presidential Election. Despite Withdrawal of Support by SLPP, 92 out of 225 MPs Pledge Support to Wickremesinghe says President’s Office

By Meera Srinivasan The Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP or People’s Front) — led by the once-powerful Rajapaksa clan which was deposed from power in 2022 — has said it will not back President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the presidential polls in September. The decision, announced after the party’s central committee’s meeting on Monday, marks the …

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“If Presidential Candidates are serious about their promises to eradicate corruption, will they be willing to face tough questions on these issues at a public forum we are prepared to host?-ITAK MPs Sumanthiran and Shanakiyan

(Texr of Media Release Issued by Jaffna District Parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran and Batticaloa District MP Shanakiyan Rasamanickam n 26 July 2024) The country is at cross-roads at the moment; A crucial pivotal point in our post-independence history. We were an economy with a surplus and an example for other to follow; even a model for …

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My Family’s “Black July” Experience: A Personal Memoir.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj The anti-Tamil pogrom of July 1983 is an unforgettable chapter in the post-independence history of Sri Lanka. The catastrophic events of that dark month drastically affected the lives of large numbers of Tamils in Sri Lanka. As a Sri Lankan Tamil journalist, Black July did have an effect on me in both personal …

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Sri Lanka’s Presidential Elections to be held on 21st September 2024; Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe among the first to pay Cash deposit to Contest as an Independent Candidate

By Meera Srinivasan Sri Lanka’s presidential polls will be held on September 21, the Election Commission said on Friday. Some 17 million voters will have their first chance of electing the country’s leader, after a mass people’s uprising ousted former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa two years ago. President Ranil Wickremesinghe was among the first to formally …

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Ranil, Sajith and Anura Kumara must convince Sri Lankan Voters that they should not give up on hope and that they should not look elsewhere for a leader.

by Krishantha Prasad Cooray There’s a political poster that’s been splashed on the walls of Colombo. Black letters on a yellow background mean that the author or the party cannot be identified. It is obviously a teaser campaign. It comes with a promise, which of course is the bread and butter of all politicians. Apparently, …

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Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka Will Contest for President at Forthcoming Election; EX-Army chief says “This is my formal and official announcement as the presidential candidate of Sri Lanka for the 2024 Presidential Election” in Message Posted on “X”(twitter)

Ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka has announced his intention to contest at Sri Lanka’s upcoming presidential election in a pre-dawn X (twitter) message.“I wish to announce my Presidential Candidacy to the people of Sri Lanka” “For 76 years, we have been led by an inept political group that has led us to bankruptcy.” “This is my …

Continue reading ‘Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka Will Contest for President at Forthcoming Election; EX-Army chief says “This is my formal and official announcement as the presidential candidate of Sri Lanka for the 2024 Presidential Election” in Message Posted on “X”(twitter)’ »

Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe announced he will Contest for President in the upcoming presidential election; says “I am coming forward as a candidate for the victory of Sri Lanka state and its people,”

Sri Lanka’s Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe announced he will be running for president at the upcoming presidential election. “I am coming forward as a candidate for the victory of Sri Lanka state and its people,” Rajapakshe told reporters at the Independence Arcade on Thursday. Rajapakshe said short sighted policies led …

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Three Judge Bench of Supreme Court Issues Interim Order Restraining Deshabandu Tennakoon from Functioning as Inspector -General of Police Until Final Determination of Nine Fundamental rights Petitions Challenging his Appointment as IGP

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda The Supreme Court today issued an interim order restraining Deshabandu Tennakoon from functioning as the Inspector General of Police. The order will be effective until the final determination of nine Fundamental Rights Applications filed challenging his appointment as IGP. The order was issued by a three-judge-bench which comprised Justice Yasantha Kodagoda, Justice …

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Sri Lanka Apologizes for the Gotabaya Rajapaksa Administration Enforcing a “Cremation Only” Policy for Victims of Covid 19 Pandemic that Hurt Muslim Religious Sentiments

By Meera Srinivasan Sri Lanka on Tuesday apologised for enforcing a “cremations only” policy during the Covid-19 pandemic, going against the religious sentiments of Muslims, as well as expert views that burials were safe. Issuing a statement on Tuesday, the government said the Cabinet approved a joint proposal from a group of ministers “to plead …

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கறுப்பு ஜூலையில் ‘ ஒரு தமிழ்ப் பத்திரிகையாளர் குடும்பத்தின் அனுபவம்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் 1983 ஜூலையில் தமிழ் மக்களுக்கு எதிராக கட்டவிழ்த்துவிடப்பட்ட கொடூரமான வன்முறை சுதந்திரத்துக்கு பின்னரான இலங்கையின் வரலாற்றில் மறக்கமுடியாத ஒரு அத்தியாயம். அந்த இருண்ட மாதத்தின் பெருங்கேடான நிகழ்வுகள் இலங்கையில் பெரும் எண்ணிக்கையிலான தமிழர்களின் வாழ்வை கடுமையாகப் பாதித்தன. இலங்கையின் ஒரு தமிழ்ப் பத்திரிகையாளன் என்ற வகையில், கறுப்பு ஜூலை என்னை தனிப்பட்ட முறையிலும் தொழில்சார் அடிப்படையிலும் பாதித்தது. மேலும், ஆயிரக்கணக்கான ஏனைய தமிழ்க் குடும்பங்களைப் போன்று எனது குடும்பமும் கொந்தளிப்பான அந்த நாட்களில் பாதிக்கப்பட்டு …

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Failure to find a political solution is a bigger shame than Black July

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham After the death of veteran Tamil political leader Rajavarothayam Sampanthan recently, a communist leader from Tamil Nadu contacted me and asked about the remarkable role the late leader played in Sri Lankan Tamil politics. I began by recounting Sampanthan’s contributions to the negotiations that led to the signing of the Indo-Lanka Peace …

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Captain Miller’s Suicide Attack in Nelliaddy on 5 July 1987 Gave Birth to the “Karumpuligal” ( Black Tigers)

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Vallipuram Vasanthan alias “Captain Miller” the first Suicide bumber of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE) is the focus of this two -part article. A brief description of the pioneering “Black Tiger” or “Karumpuli” and events leading to the first Black Tiger operation on 5 July 1987 was outlined in the first part …

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Rajavarothayam Sampanthan: The Political Journey of a “Perunthalaiver” (Great Leader) – Part 2.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj The funeral of veteran Tamil political leader Rajavarothayam Sampanthan took place in Trincomalee on 7th July 2024.Large crowds bade farewell to the Nonagenarian Trincomalee Parliamentarian who had served as MP for 32 years. Among those who paid homage to Sampanthan in Trinco was Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Earlier the President along with …

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If Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe thinks he could win because he salvaged the economy from a free fall, he might be overly optimistic. Perhaps he has to rethink his campaign message to make it more palatable to the grassroots. Possibly, he can ask Mahinda Rajapaksa how to do that!

By Ranga Jayasuriya When the country ran out of foreign reserves and fuel queues sprang up, Sri Lankans stormed the President’s House and ousted Gotabaya Rajapaksa. That may be an extreme case, but that was not the first time the street protestors toppled governments when the going got tough. Dudley Senanayake, the second prime minister, …

Continue reading ‘If Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe thinks he could win because he salvaged the economy from a free fall, he might be overly optimistic. Perhaps he has to rethink his campaign message to make it more palatable to the grassroots. Possibly, he can ask Mahinda Rajapaksa how to do that!’ »

President Ranil Wickreme-singhe challenges Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) leader Sajith Premadasa to disclose the source of funding for the party’s ongoing school bus donation program.; says he will collaborate with SJB to combat corruption if it reveals source of funding behind school bus donations

President Ranil Wickreme-singhe has challenged Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) leader Sajith Premadasa to disclose the source of funding for the party’s ongoing school bus donation program. Addressing another public meeting in Kandy under the “Ekwa Jayagamu” (Let’s Win Together) series of rallies over the weekend, President Ranil Wickremesinghe set a condition for joining the Samagi …

Continue reading ‘President Ranil Wickreme-singhe challenges Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) leader Sajith Premadasa to disclose the source of funding for the party’s ongoing school bus donation program.; says he will collaborate with SJB to combat corruption if it reveals source of funding behind school bus donations’ »

“Captain Miller” the LTTE’s First Black Tiger (Karumpuli) Suicide Bomber.

By D.B.S. Jeyaraj “Captain Miller” is the name of an Indian film released on 12 January 2024. The block buster Tamil Movie had popular actor Dhanush acting in the lead titular role of Captain Miller. The film was a fictional tale about a heroic rebel who fought against British colonial rule. Reports state that the …

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இலங்கை தமிழர் அரசியலின் சமகால வரலாற்றில் தீர்க்கமான நிகழ்வுகள் நிறைந்த காலகட்டத்தை உள்ளடக்கிய இராஜவரோதயம் சம்பந்தனின் அரசியல் பயணம்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் முதுபெரும் தமிழ் அரசியல் தலைவர் இராஜவரோதயம் சம்பந்தனின் இறுதிச் சடங்குகள் திருகோணமலையில் 2024 ஜூலை 7 ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை நடைபெற்றன. 32 வருடங்களாக திருகோணமலையின் பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினராக இருந்த தலைவருக்கு பெருந்திரளான மக்கள் பிரியாவிடை கொடுத்தனர். ஜனாதிபதி ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்கவும் திருகோணமலைக்கு சென்று இறுதிசடங்குகளில் கலந்துகொண்டார். முன்னதாக கொழும்பு பொரளை றேமண்ட் மலர்ச்சாலையில் சம்பந்தனின் பூதவுடல் அஞ்சலிக்காக வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தபோது ஜனாதிபதி தனது மனைவி மைத்ரி விக்கிரமசிங்க சகிதம் சென்று தனது இறுதி மரியாதையைச் செலுத்தினார். இராஜவரோதயம் …

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Murder Most Foul: Assassination of Appapillai Amirthalingam 35 Years ago

By D.B.S. Jeyaraj (Renowned Tamil Political leader Appapillai Amirthalingam was shot dead in Colombo along with Former Jaffna MP V.Yogeswaran on 13 July 1989. This article about the foul murder was published in the “Daily Mirror” in 2019. It is re-posted here without any changes to denote the 35th anniversary of the Amirthalingam Assassination) The …

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From Subaltern Status to the Pinnacle of Power: Ranasinghe Premadasa’s Remarkable Rise.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Ranasinghe Premadasa, Sri Lanka’s one and only non-Govigama Prime Minister and President is the focus of this two part article commemorating his birth centenary.The first part published last week traced in brief the early phases of Premadasa’s political journey . This second and final part -written with the aid of earlier writings – …

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The SJB and UNP should join ranks and field a unified candidate. That ideally should be Ranil Wickremesinghe, given his proven track record during the last two years. That might even make Sajith Premadasa the prime minister of the next government.

By Ranga Jayasuriya The French experience at the concluded election offers an important lesson of political commonsense and the bare minimum of altruism for the common good Early this week, with the far-right knocking at the gates of government power, France pulled off a miraculous comeback to defend the Fifth Republic. After the far-right and …

Continue reading ‘The SJB and UNP should join ranks and field a unified candidate. That ideally should be Ranil Wickremesinghe, given his proven track record during the last two years. That might even make Sajith Premadasa the prime minister of the next government.’ »

Political Journey of Tamil “Perunthalaiver” (Great Leader) Rajavarothayam Sampanthan.

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Veteran Tamil political leader and senior Trincomalee district MP,Rajavarothayam Sampanthan passed away peacefully in Colombo on 30 June 2024. The nonagenarian Sampanthan who had been ailing for some time was listening after dinner to an audio tape of “Kanthasashti Kavasam”verses sung by the Soolaman Sisters Rajalakshmi and Jeyalakshmi when he collapsed with a …

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“பெருந்தலைவர்’ இராஜவரோதயம் சம்பந்தனின் அரசியல் பயணம்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் முதுபெரும் தமிழ் அரசியல் தலைவரும் திருகோணமலை மாவட்டத்தின் நீண்டகால பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினருமான இராஜவரோதயம் சம்பந்தன் 2024 ஜூன் 30 கொழும்பில் அமைதியாக இயற்கை எய்தினார். 90 வயதைக் கடந்த அவர் அண்மைக்காலமாக சுகவீனமுற்றிருந்தார். இராப்போசனத்துக்கு பிறகு சூலமங்கலம் சகோதரிகள் இராஜலக்சுமியும் ஜெயலக்சுமியும் பாடிய ‘ கந்தசஷ்டி கவசம் ‘ பக்திப்பாடலை ஒலிநாடாவில் கேட்டுக்கொண்டிருந்தபோது ஒரு வேதனை முனகலுடன் சம்பந்தன் நிலைகுலைந்தார். உடனடியாக லங்கா வைத்தியசாலைக்கு கூட்டிச்செல்லப்பட்ட அவர் அங்கு இரவு 11 மணியளவில் தனது …

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Will the Economic “Good News” From Paris and Beijing Help Ranil Win the 2024 Presidential Poll in Sri Lanka?

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Ranil Wickremesinghe was appointed Prime Minister on 12 May 2022 by the then president Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Sri Lanka was in the grip of a debilitating economic crisis then. The “Aragalaya”(struggle) protest movement was raging. The new premier addressed the nation through a special statement on 16 May 2022. In that Wickremesinghe referred to …

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பொருளாதார ” நற்செய்தி ” 2024 தேர்தலில் ரணிலுக்கு உதவுமா?

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்க 2022 மே 12 ஆம் திகதி அன்றைய ஜனாதிபதி கோட்டாபய ராஜபக்சவினால் பிரதமராக நியமிக்கப்பட்டார். அப்போது இலங்கை படுமோசமான பொருளாதார நெருக்கடியில் சிக்கியிருந்தது.’ அறகலய போராட்டம் தீவிரமடைந்து கொண்டிருந்தது. புதிய பிரதமர் 2022 மே 16 ஆம் திகதி நாட்டு மக்களுக்கு விசேட உரையொன்றை ஆற்றினார். அந்த உரையில் விக்கிரமசிங்க ஜேர்மன் நாடகாசிரியர் பேரொல்ற் பிறெற்றின் ‘ கோகேசியன் ஷோக் சேர்க்கிள் ‘ ( Caucasian Chalk Circle) என்ற நாடகம் …

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“My decisions are not driven by political power or popularity. They are made solely for the country’s benefit. Every decision has been aimed at national progress, not personal gain”- President Ranil Wickremesinghe in Special Statement to Parliament

Full Text of Special statement delivered by President Ranil Wickremesinghe in Parliament on 2 July 2024) Honourable Speaker, Last week, we were able to achieve another significant milestone in the challenging journey of restoring economic stability to a country that defaulted on its debts in 2022. On June 26, we reached an agreement with our …

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Bhikku politics is a key causative factor of the national malaise and no system-change for the better is possible if political monks continue to propose and dispose.

By Tisaranee Gunasekara “The night is an open book. But the world beyond the night remains a mystery.” – Louise Gluck (Before the Storm) Sri Lanka always ranks low in the World Happiness Index; 128 out of 148 in 2024 (we rank 48 in Global Militarisation Index though, and possess the 17th largest military in …

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“We can no longer afford to revert to old politics. The choices we make today profoundly impact our future. Can we afford to return to the days of long queues and traditional politics? We must decisively choose our course.”- President Ranil Wickremesinghe in Matara.

(Text of Address Delivered by President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the “Victory through Unity” (Ekwa Jayagamu) Held at the Matara Fort Grounds on 30 June 2024) “I have safely brought the Titanic, entrusted to me, to port. While other captains fled from the iceberg, we faced a critical decision: sink or navigate to safety. Now that …

Continue reading ‘“We can no longer afford to revert to old politics. The choices we make today profoundly impact our future. Can we afford to return to the days of long queues and traditional politics? We must decisively choose our course.”- President Ranil Wickremesinghe in Matara.’ »

Veteran Tamil Political Leader Rajavarothayam Sampanthan’s Funeral to be held in Trincomalee on Sunday 7th July

Funeral Arrangements of Hon. R. Sampanthan M.P. Tamil National Alliance (T.N.A) MP Hon. R. Sampanthan’s mortal remains will Lie at the A.F. Raymonds funeral parlour for viewing from 9.00 a.m. today (02nd July 2024) till noon tomorrow (03rd July 2024). Thereafter his mortal remains will Lie in State in Parliament from 2.00 pm – 4.00 …

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Ranasinghe Premadasa: Sri Lanka’s Solitary non-Govigama Prime Minister and President

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj India, the world’s biggest democracy, held Parliamentary elections this year in seven phases from 19 April to 1 June. 642 million persons voted in the poll. Results were announced on 4 June. The incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi was re-elected PM for the third time. His party the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won …

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Veteran Sri Lankan Tamil Political leader Rajavarothayam Sampanthan passes away in Colombo at the age of 91. He dedicated his political life to pursuing a just solution to Sri Lanka’s Tamil question

By Meera Srinivasan Veteran Sri Lankan Tamil leader Rajavarothiam Sampanthan, who dedicated his political life to pursuing a just solution to the island nation’s Tamil question, passed away in Colombo late on Sunday. He was 91. Mr. Sampanthan, of the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK), was a sitting MP from the eastern Trincomalee district, and …

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Do the Tamil Critics of the 13th Constitutional Amendment have the Political Strength to Force a Future Govt to Introduce a Devolution Scheme better than what is Available in the Provincial Councils?

By Veeragathy Thanabalasingham Sri Lankan Tamil politics has become more complicated due to contradictions among Tamil political parties regarding what position northern and eastern Tamils should take in the upcoming Presidential Election. It makes no sense to expect Tamil parties to be inclined to act unitedly or to come to a unified position to find …

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Colombo High Court Finds Hirunika Premachandra Guilty of 18 Charges Including the Abduction, Assault and Intimidation of a Youth at Dematagoda in 2015 and Sentences Former Colombo MP to 3 Years Rigorous Imprisonment ;Will Seek Bail on Monday says her Lawyer

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda Colombo High Court Judge Amal Ranaraja sentenced Hirunika Premachandra to three years imprisonment after she was found guilty of 18 counts, including conspiring and aiding in the abduction of the victim, threatening, assaulting, and intimidating victim Amila Priyankara after the abduction in Dematagoda. Hirunika Premachandra is the ninth accused in the case, …

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“The people must determine whether to move forward with me, as I truly comprehend the challenges facing the country, provide practical solutions, and demonstrate tangible results, or align with groups that have yet to grasp the issues and are blindly seeking power” – President Ranil Wickremesinghe

(Text of special statement delivered by President Ranil Wickremesinghe on 26 June 2024) Today marks a significant milestone in the recent history of our country, a special juncture reflecting the hard work and dedication of our efforts. Our country is now reaping the positive results of our persistent endeavours over the past years. This morning …

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Sri Lanka Finalizes Comprehensive Debt Re-structuring Agreements with the Official Creditor Committee Co-chaired by France,Japan and India and China Exim Bank to the Combined Value of US $ 10 Billion.

(Textr of Press Release issued by the President’s Media Division on 26 June 2024) In a significant milestone for Sri Lanka’s economic revitalization efforts, the nation has successfully finalized comprehensive debt restructuring agreements with key bilateral creditors. On June 26, 2024, Sri Lanka concluded negotiations with the Official Creditor Committee (OCC) and China Exim Bank, …

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Indian Fishermen Poaching in Sri Lankan Waters “Aggressively Resist”Arresr and Seizure of Trawler by Lankan Navy; Sailor from Navy Special Boat Squadron Injured in Clash dies in Jaffna Hospital

By Meera Srinivasan and R.Rajaram A sailor from the Sri Lankan Navy was killed in an operation targeting Indian fishermen and their fishing vessel in the early hours of Tuesday, June 25, 2024, according to Sri Lankan authorities. As many as 10 Indian fishermen, seven from Nagapattinam, one from Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu and two …

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The Tamil Doctor who Gave Medical Aid to Injured Tigers.

By D.B.S. Jeyaraj “Captain Blood:His Odyssey”was an Adventure novel authored by well-known writer Rafael Sabatini in 1922. Sabatini had a flair for creating fictional characters set against the backdrop of true,historical events.This blend of fiction and fact was received well by readers, The Captain Blood novel became a best-seller then. The basic story line was …

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President Ranasinghe Premadasa Belived that asting unity – be it national or social – could be built only by effecting tangible improvements in the living-conditions of all the poor, Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslim.

By Tisaranee Gunasekera “All theory is grey… But forever green is the tree of life. Goethe (Faust) For three months in late 1990’s, American author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich lived the life of a low-wage worker. She wanted to discover, first hand, how President Bill Clinton’s welfare reforms were impacting on the lives of …

Continue reading ‘President Ranasinghe Premadasa Belived that asting unity – be it national or social – could be built only by effecting tangible improvements in the living-conditions of all the poor, Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslim.’ »

President Wickremesinghe used the authority and the privilege of Parliament to accuse the Supreme Court of judicial cannibalism when the Special Determination in issue could have been soberly critiqued.

By Kishali Pinto – Jayawardene President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s call to Parliament that Special Determination 54-55/2024 on the Gender Equality Bill violates the powers of the House under Article 4 of the Constitution and that a Select Committee should be appointed to ‘look into it,’ is tantamount to gravely undermining the authority of the Supreme Court, …

Continue reading ‘President Wickremesinghe used the authority and the privilege of Parliament to accuse the Supreme Court of judicial cannibalism when the Special Determination in issue could have been soberly critiqued.’ »

India’s Iconic Author Arundathie Roy is being charged with promoting terrorism under the draconian Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Ms. Roy is being targeted both for who she is and as a message to those opponents and dissenters Against Narendra Modi’s BJP Regime

By Tisaranee Gunasekara “We are accused of terrorismIf we dare to write about the remains of a homeland….About a homeland where birds are not allowed to sing…..About a homeland where writers must use invisible ink….” Nizar Qabbani (We are accused of terrorism) Had writer V.V. Ganeshananthan lived in Jaffna instead of New York, she would …

Continue reading ‘India’s Iconic Author Arundathie Roy is being charged with promoting terrorism under the draconian Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Ms. Roy is being targeted both for who she is and as a message to those opponents and dissenters Against Narendra Modi’s BJP Regime’ »

Former Cabinet Minister Nissanka Wijeyeratne was a Versatile and Multi-Faceted Personality.

By D.B.S. Jeyaraj “And one man in his time plays many parts” ,stated William Shakespeare in his play “As you like it”. The above mentioned observation by the Bard of Avon is quite appropriate in describing the life and work of Dr.Nissanka Wijeyeratne whose 100th birth anniversary was celebrated on June 14. Nissanka Parakrama Wijeyeratne …

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President Wickremesinghe Flays Supreme Court for Allegedly Engaging in “Judicial Cannibalism”; President says SC Ruling on Gender Equality Bill Violates Parliament’s powers and a Select Committee must be Appointed to Look into the Matter

President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday in Parliament raised a point of order that the Supreme Court determination on Gender Equality Bill violates the powers of the House and a Parliamentary select Committee must be appointed to look into the matter. Following are excerpts from the President’s statement in Parliament. “First and foremost the bill says, what …

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1961ம் ஆண்டு தமிழர் சத்தியாக்கிரகப் போராட்ட காலத்தில் அன்றைய யாழ்ப்பாண அரசாங்க அதிபர் நிசங்க விஜெயரத்ன‌வின் அனுபவங்கள்

டி.பி.எஸ். ஜெயராஜ் ” ஒரு மனிதன் தான் வாழும் காலத்தில் பல பாத்திரங்களை வகிக்கிறான்” என்று வில்லியம் சேக்ஸ்பியர் தனது ” நீங்கள் விரும்பிய வண்ணம் ” (As you like it ) என்ற நாடகத்தில் கூறினார். அவரது அந்த அவதானிப்பு கலாநிதி நிசங்க விஜேரத்னவின் வாழ்வையும் பணியையும் வர்ணிப்பதற்கு மிகவும் கச்சிதமாகப் பொருந்துகிறது. நிசங்க என்று பிரபல்யமாக அறியப்பட்ட நிசங்க பராக்கிரம விஜேரத்னவின் 100 வது பிறந்ததினம் ஜூன் 14 ஆம் திகதியாகும். ஒரு …

Continue reading ‘1961ம் ஆண்டு தமிழர் சத்தியாக்கிரகப் போராட்ட காலத்தில் அன்றைய யாழ்ப்பாண அரசாங்க அதிபர் நிசங்க விஜெயரத்ன‌வின் அனுபவங்கள்’ »